A New Era for Veterans National eHealth Practice 2015
My HealtheLab has a Prime eHealth Directive, "Internet Do No Harm and show us what to do."
Welcome to your new personal laboratory ehealth homepage!
My HealtheLab... Uniquely Personal Health through Preventive Care. At present, your Veterans website is under construction in an effort to implement full Internet access to your laboratory test results, anytime, anywhere you want to see them. And we guarantee that seeing your lab test result will be a unique experience for you.
At this point we can provide you with information regarding My HealtheLab, your personal patient-centric laboratory interpretative report. The emphasis of this site in on you, our respected Veteran taking responsibility for good health in partnership with your VA doctor. If this topic is of interest to you, check this site later for full functionality of the interactive laboratory diagnostic interpretation with your unique Health Assessment Deviation (HAD) driven diagnostic Dx widgets(c) so that you can see the magnitude of your lab test results.
Introducing My HealtheLab using
My HealtheVet Portal
“Just login to My HealtheLab from the VA website My HealtheVet anytime and anywhere you need access to your lab results.”
NOTE: This is a demonstration using the VA My HealtheVet web page for demo.
My HealtheLab results link will take you to your lab Diagnostic Dx widgets(c) for your test results
Diagnostic Dx Widgets
Dx widgets(c) are a unique visual ways to see your lab test results based on your test reference range from the laboratory performing you lab test. This gives the VA doctor a better diagnostic insight into the diagnostic value of your lab test results given there are many reference ranges for the same lab test. This is a unique method for representing lab results that will promote better test result understanding for the Veteran to make informed decisions about their healthy status.
“Just login to My HealtheLab from the VA website My HealtheVet anytime and anywhere you need access to your lab results.”
NOTE: This is a demonstration using the VA My HealtheVet web page for demo.