A New Era for Veterans National eHealth
Evidenced Based eHealth for Laboratory Medicine
To lead the health web portal industry in establishing Evidence Based eHealth (EBeH) practices by providing highly respected and innovative visual clinical graphic analytics and ebenchmarking reporting for our nation's Veterans.
To advance our client portals to reflect standardization and interoperability of operation consistent with national accreditation that demonstrates high ethical standards in healthcare.
As leaders in eHealth recognized by URAC accreditation, we are committed to promoting, sponsoring and executing the following healthcare values:
- Integrity
- Credibility
- Innovation
- Code of eBenchmarking Conduct
- Progressive Learning
- eHealth Leadership
- Clinical Data Governance
- Exploiting Evidence Based eHealth for Patient Safety
Goal Metrics
- Accurate Diagnostic Dx Widgets
- Statistical Standardization
- Statistical Centralization
- Grow Client Database
- Deliver eBenchmarking to Market
- Drive the practice of Evidence Based eHealth into mainstream healthcare